Low Income Households on Cape Cod
HUD has just completed its analysis of the 2007-2011 American Community Survey Census data and published information down to the town level of numbers of households (renters and owners) with housing problems – on the Cape it primarily is cost burden of paying more than 30% of income toward housing. That data is available for the County and all 15 towns on the CCC web site- www.capecodcommission.org – go to Departments, Planning and Community Development, Affordable Housing, Resources and Links, Data.
If you are interested in looking at the data on a sub-regional or multi-town basis, visit the HUD site. Attached from this data set is a low income chart of the numbers and % of households (not population) in the County and each community who is considered low income, i.e. income equal to or less than 80% of area median income, and thus who would generally be eligible for affordable housing purposes.
Please pass along to anyone whom you think would be interested.