FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Kristy Senatori Appointed Cape Cod Commission Executive Director
Media Contact:
Kristy Senatori, Executive Director
ksenatori@capecodcommission.org | 508-362-3828
Senatori Appointed Cape Cod Commission Executive Director
Kristy Senatori to lead the Cape Cod Commission
BARNSTABLE COUNTY, MA – The Barnstable County Board of Regional Commissioners unanimously approved the recommendation of the Cape Cod Commission Executive Committee and appointed Acting Executive Director Kristy Senatori to the position of Executive Director pending contract negotiations.
“There is no question Ms. Senatori is best suited to lead the Commission well into the future,” stated Chairman Harold Mitchell on behalf of the Commission Executive Committee. Senatori was appointed Acting Director in February after the resignation of Paul Niedzwiecki, who served as Executive Director for 10 years. Niedzwiecki left to become the first Executive Director and General Counsel for the Southfield Redevelopment Authority in Weymouth.
“I am honored and privileged to be the next leader of the Cape Cod Commission,” said Senatori. She added, “I look forward to continuing the innovative work of the Commission and collaborating with Cape community leaders and stakeholders as we design solutions to some of the region’s biggest environmental and economic challenges.”
Senatori started working for the Commission in 2008 as its Chief Regulatory Officer, overseeing the regulatory program. She was promoted to Deputy Director in 2012. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Hamilton College and a Juris Doctorate from Vermont Law School. Senatori worked in the private sector for several years before joining the Cape Cod Commission staff.
Cape Cod Commission is the regional land use planning, economic development, and regulatory agency created in 1990 to serve the citizens and 15 towns that comprise Barnstable County, Massachusetts, better known as Cape Cod. The Commission works toward maintaining a healthy balance between economic progress and environmental vitality. “Keeping a special place special” describes the agency’s mission to protect the region’s unique qualities. The 19-member volunteer Cape Cod Commission board represents a wide spectrum of the community and provides oversight for a staff of 40 professionals. The Commission is responsible for regional planning, policy, and regulations to help manage growth, and the agency supports the Cape’s 15 towns with cost-effective planning and technical services. For more information, visit: http://www.capecodcommission.org/