Federal Funds Further Strengthen Children’s Cove
Children’s Cove: The Cape & Islands Child Advocacy Center, received additional grant funding that strengthens its capacity to meet the increasing needs of victims of child sexual abuse, physical abuse, witness to domestic violence and commercial sexual exploitation (human trafficking).
Federal funds from the Department of Justice: Victims of Crime Act (VOCA), awarded through the Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance (MOVA), were increased by $75,000.00 for a two-year total of $350,000.00. These dollars allow Children’s Cove to continue its comprehensive services provided by two staff members. The Mental Health Coordinator establishes coordinated mental health referrals and maintains a Trauma-Informed Provider Network. The Family Advocate provides specialized victim/family support with immediate needs, protection orders, court appearances.
An additional federal award, funded through the Massachusetts Children’s Alliance (MACA) in the amount of $56,250.00, supports the Statewide Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) Service Enhancement Project. These funds support a part-time Forensic Interviewer/ CSEC Case Manager who serves as the primary contact for all referrals of suspected Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and high-risk youth.