HUMAN SERVICES > News > Barnstable County SAPC Program Accepting Applications for FY20 MINI-GRANT RFPs
Barnstable County SAPC Program Accepting Applications for FY20 MINI-GRANT RFPs
Published on: December 16, 2019
The Barnstable County Department of Human Services SAPC program is seeking applications from SAPC-member town substance use prevention coalitions and/or their school districts to further the following program priorities:
- Leverage My Choice Matters substance use awareness/prevention campaign for implementation at the town level (see MyChoiceMatters.net).
- Support SAPC member town coalitions/task forces and/or school districts in their implementation of evidence-based and promising practice substance use prevention activities targeted at youth.
- Support SAPC member town coalitions/task forces and/or school districts to acquire new information and skills to address youth substance use.
To further these priorities the Barnstable County SAPC program is offering mini-grants of up to $5,000.
- The project end date must be on or before 6/30/2020