MAIN BARNSTABLE COUNTY > MAIN COUNTY FEATURED NEWS > AmeriCorps Cape Cod Celebrates the 25th Anniversary of MLK Day with Cape Cod Youth
AmeriCorps Cape Cod Celebrates the 25th Anniversary of MLK Day with Cape Cod Youth
Published on: January 22, 2020
AmeriCorps Cape Cod celebrated the 25th anniversary of MLK day by hosting an arts and crafts drive benefiting after school programs at the Nauset Youth Alliance and The Boys and Girls Club of Cape Cod. ACC member, Katie McGovern, took the lead planning and organizing the event with the intention to give back to Cape Cod youth. Members of the community joined AmeriCorps Cape Cod and the YMCA Y Achievers in arts and craft projects promoting a sense of community and service in addition to sorting all the donations received.
#MLK25 #DayOn25 #serviceworks #engagecapecod #bethechange #AmeriCorpsCapeCod #bethegreatergood #volunteer
[su_youtube url=”” width=”540″ title=”MLK Day 2020″]