CHNA 27 Panel Addresses “The State of Aging on Cape Cod”
At the May 12, 2016 monthly meeting, the Cape and Islands Community Health Network Area 27 (CHNA 27) acknowledged Older Americans Month with a panel discussion “The State of Aging on Cape Cod”. Panelists were Jan Mutchler of UMass Boston Gerontology Institute, Kathleen Bailey of Yarmouth Senior Center – Age Friendly Yarmouth, Jan Hively of Advocacy Leadership for Positive Aging, and Bob Tranchell of the Federal Savings Bank’s Long Term Financial Planning. Jan Mutchler presented on the Cape’s predicted demographic changes increasing the percentage of older adults and the impact on local communities. Kathy Bailey shared Yarmouth’s successful model of an age friendly community. Bob Tranchell informed the attendees about the financial threats to older adults and communities when too much equity is tied up in an older adult’s home. Concluding the discussion, Jan Hively provided a view into the meanings of productive aging, self-determination, and life-long learning. In summary, the panelists agreed that an age friendly community is friendly to all ages. Visit the links below to learn about local resources and events…
My Life, My Health workshops
Geronotology Workshops
Elder Suicide Prevention Training
Blaze a Trail to Financial Health seminars
Older Americans Act: On May 10, 2016, President Obama signed into law the Older Americans Act that funds a wide array of programs that are crucial to addressing poverty among older adults. Low-income seniors with few other resources rely on those programs to age safely and with dignity. Many of these programs form the backbone that holds everyday life together for millions of low-income older adults and their families. These include programs that transport older adults to doctor appointments and senior centers, meal delivery that reaches isolated seniors, and crucially, legal services attorneys who provide free and low cost services to help seniors access the benefits to which they are entitled, stay in their homes, and fight fraud and abuse.