Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (IIJA)
Signed into law on November 15, 2021, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, also known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), provides $973B—of which $550B is new funds—over five years, with more than half of new funds going to roads, bridges, and other transportation needs. The $550B in new funds is directed as follows:
- Department of Transportation: $284B
- EPA: $55B for water, $21B for environmental remediation
- Department of Commerce: $65B for broadband
- Department of Energy: $73B
- Department of Homeland Security: $46B for cybersecurity and resiliency
- Various agencies: $8.3B for Western water infrastructure
Broadly, counties’ access to funds will generally come in one of three ways:
- Through federal formula grants
- Through suballocations from state based on populations
- Through competitive grant programs run by the federal or state government (e.g., Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grants or INFRA Multimodal Freight & Highway Projects grants)
To provide a sense of scale for increases in formula grants for local governments, it may be useful to consider that, for example, allocations through the Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) are expected to increase about 10% from FY21 to FY22. There will be infusion of formula funding in these areas.
Some funding highlights to give a sense of how IIJA money will be used include:
- Surface transportation –adding funds to existing federal aid highway program that disburses funds to states through formula funding, providing funding for bridge repairs through both competitive and formula grant programs, etc.
- Public transit –disbursing additional funds through the Urbanized Area Formula Grants
- Aviation – three-quarters of funds will be provided via the Airport Improvement Program formula fund
- Water infrastructure – includes additional funding for the CWSRF and DWSRF as described below, along with funding for the EPA to disburse to address PFAS and other emerging contaminants and to support the replacement of lead water lines.
- Wastewater infrastructure –authorizes $280M annually for five years to states to support municipal planning and construction of projects addressing combined sewage overflows.
- Energy infrastructure – increases funding for the Weatherization Assistance Program and Low-Income Housing Energy Assistance Program, which provide formula funding to states to aid in reducing low-income households’ energy costs.
- Broadband infrastructure – establishes a $42B grant programs for states and territories for the expansion of broadband infrastructure construction, prioritizing unserved (lacking 25/3 mbps), underserved areas (lacking 100/20 mbps), and flagship community institutions like schools, healthcare centers, and libraries
- Includes Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program to provide competitive grants to local governments and others
- Cybersecurity – establishes a cybersecurity risks and threats grant programs to be administered through the Department of Homeland Security for states and localities
- Disaster response – provides $3.5B for FEMA’s Flood Mitigation Assistance program which provides financial assistance to states and affected communities to reduce the risk of flood damage via buyouts, elevation, and other mitigation activities.
Applications for Federal Funds
Massachusetts provides an up to date inventory of federal sources of funding authorized by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). This inventory lists information about each federal funding stream, estimated amounts for Massachusetts, the funding timeline and status, and other details. From this, there are currently 8 opportunities with open deadlines for funding, 5 of which are non-formula (competitive) grants. Those 5 opportunities are:
- Rail Vehicle Replacement Grants
- National Culvert Removal, Replacement and Restoration Grant Program
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant
- Hazard Mitigation Revolving Loan Funds/Safeguarding Tomorrow through Ongoing Risk Mitigation (STORM) Act
- Energy Storage Demonstration Projects and Pilot Grant Program
Many of the programs in the IIJA are formula funding (as described above) and many others will operate on an annual basis with recurring application opportunities. The inventory should be reviewed regularly to identify opportunities for applying for funds.
You can access multiple grant opportunities and resources through the detailed list of Federal Agencies listed below by clicking on the following boxes:
Emergency Watershed Program
Description: Provides funding to repair damages to the waterways and watersheds resulting from natural disasters.
Estimate: 300M
Competitive: No
How to access: Apply through state Emergency Watershed Protection Program Manager
Special Eligibility Requirements: Counties must have legal interest in or responsibility for areas threatened by watershed emergency.
Watershed Rehabilitation Program
Description: Provides technical and financial assistance through cooperative agreements to sponsors including counties for dam rehabilitation.
Estimate: 118M
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Request funding assistance through NRCS
Special Eligibility Requirements: N/A
Middle Mile Deployment
Description: Supports expanding and extending middle mile infrastructure to reduce the cost of connecting unserved and underserved areas to the internet backbone
Estimate: $1.0 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to NTIA
Special Eligibility Requirements: N/A
National Oceans and Coastal Security Fund
Description: Provides funding for nature-based infrastructure efforts and project planning, design and implementation.
Estimate: $492M
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply to National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
Special Eligibility Requirements: N/A
Habitat Restoration and Community Resilience Program
Description: Provides grants, contracts and cooperative agreements for restoring marine, estuarine, coastal, or Great Lakes ecosystem habitat, or constructing or protecting
ecological features that protect coastal communities from flooding or coastal storms.
Estimate: $491M
Competitive: No
How to access: Apply directly to NOAA.
Special Eligibility Requirements: N/A
Community-Based Restoration Program: Fish Passage Barrier Removal
Description: Provides funding and technical assistance for restoration projects that ensure fish have access to high-quality habitat.
Estimate: $400M
Competitive: No
How to access: Apply directly to NOAA.
Special Eligibility Requirements: N/A
Marine debris assessment, prevention, mitigation, and removal
Description: Supports actions to reduce debris in our ocean, including clean up and response needed as a result of severe marine debris events.
Estimate: $150M
Competitive: No
How to access: Apply directly to NOAA.
Special Eligibility Requirements: N/A
WeatherizationB9:B17tance Program
Description: Supports eligible projects that reduce energy costs for low-income households by improving energy efficiency.
Estimate: $3.5 billion
Competitive: No
How to access: Certain counties may be eligible for suballocation of funds from state departments of energy.
Special Eligibility Requirements: Households must be at or below 200% of the poverty income guidelines or be recipients of Supplemental Security Income or Aid to Families with Dependent Children.
Battery Manufacturing and Recycling Grants
Description: Provides grants for battery component manufacturing and recycling projects, or to construct/modify existing battery component manufacturing or recycling facilities.
Estimate: $3.0 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to DOE.
Special Eligibility Requirements: N/A
Carbon Dioxide Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation
Description: Provides funding for common carrier carbon dioxide transportation infrastructure or associated equipment; structured similarly to TIFIA.
Estimate: $ 2.1 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to DOE.
Special Eligibility Requirements: Projects must equal or exceed $100 million, and contracting process must begin within 90 days of federal obligation.
Clean Hydrogen Manufacturing Recycling Research, Development, and Demonstration Program
Description: Provides grants for clean hydrogen manufacturing and recycling.
Estimate: $ 500M
Competitive: No
Carbon Utilization Program (DOE)
Description: Provides grants to purchase and use commercial products that are derived from Carbon oxides or demonstrate reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
Estimate: $310M
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOE.
Rural and Municipal Utility Advanced Cybersecurity
Description: Provides grants and technical assistance to, and enter into cooperative agreements with, eligible entities to protect against, detect, respond to and recover from cybersecurity threats.
Estimate: $250M
Competitive: Yes
Special Eligibility Requirements: Locally owned utilities or rural electric cooperatives are eligible to apply.
Electric Drive Vehicle Battery Recycling and Second-Life Applications Program
Description: Provides grants for Electric Drive Vehicle Battery Recycling and second life application projects, research and development.
Estimate: $200M
Competitive: Yes
Battery Recycling Research, Development, and Demonstration Grants
Description: Provides grants to states and units of local government to assist in the establishment or enhancement of state battery collection, recycling, and reprocessing programs.
Estimate: $60M
Competitive: No
How to access: Apply directly to the DOE.
State and Local Programs (Batteries)
Description: Provides grants to state and local government to establish or enhance state battery collection, recycling and reprocessing programs.
Estimate: $50M
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOE.
Program Upgrading Our Electric Grid and Ensuring Reliability and Resiliency
Description: Supports the coordination and collaboration with electric sector owners and operators to demonstrate innovative approaches to transmission, storage, and distribution infrastructure to harden and enhance resilience and reliability and to demonstrate new approaches to enhance regional grid resilience.
Estimate: $5 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOE.
Energy improvement in rural or remote areas
Description: Supports the coordination and collaboration with electric sector owners and operators to demonstrate innovative approaches to transmission, storage, and distribution infrastructure to harden and enhance resilience and reliability and to demonstrate new approaches to enhance regional grid resilience.
Estimate: $1 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Financial assistance provided at the discretion of USDOT.
Special Eligibility Requirements: Must be an unincorporated area with population <10,000
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program
Description: Supports the implementation of strategies to reduce fossil fuel emissions created as a result of activities within the jurisdictions of eligible entities in a manner that is environmentally sustainable and that maximizes local and regional benefits; to reduce the total energy use of the eligible entities and to improve energy efficiency.
Estimate: $550M
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Eligible counties receive direct formula funds based on population and commuter factors.
Special Requirements: County must have a population of at least 200,000 or be one of the ten most populated counties in the state.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance
Description: Supports initiatives that assist families with energy costs.
Estimate: $500M
Competitive: No
How to access: Local County agencies in 13 states are eligible as subgrantees of the state and either fully or partially administer the program.
Special Requirements: N/A
National Flood Insurance Fund
Description: Supports the implementation of strategies to reduce fossil fuel emissions created as a result of activities within the jurisdictions of eligible entities in a manner that is environmentally sustainable and that maximizes local and regional benefits; to reduce the total energy use of the eligible entities and to improve energy efficiency.
Estimate: $550M
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Eligible counties receive direct formula funds based on population and commuter factors.
Special Requirements: County must have a population of at least 200,000 or be one of the ten most populated counties in the state.
Disaster Relief Fund: Pre-Disaster Mitigation Assistance
Description: Provides funding to states and localities to implement pre-disaster mitigation activities that reduce risk and disaster costs and increase the resilience of critical infrastructure lifelines.
Estimate: $1 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: sub applicant through the state.
State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program
Description: Supports the strengthening of state and local cybersecurity infrastructure
Estimate: $1 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: sub applicant through the state.
State revolving loan funds for hazard mitigation
Description: Provides capitalization grants to states to establish revolving loan funds for projects designed to reduce risks from disasters, natural hazards and other related environmental issues.
Estimate: $500M
Competitive: No
How to access: Counties are eligible to apply for loans through state disaster revolving loan funds once established.
Design, study and construction of aquatic ecosystem restoration and protection projects
Description: Provides grants for projects to restore aquatic ecosystems for fish and wildlife.
Estimate: $250M
Competitive: No
How to access: Submit a request for assistance to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Special Requirements: N/A
Multi-benefit Projects to Improve Watershed Health
Description: Provides grants for the design, implementation and monitoring of conservation outcomes of habitat restoration projects that improve watershed health in a river basin impacted by a Bureau of Reclamation Water Project
Estimate: $100M
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply through Bureau of Reclamation
Special Requirements: N/A
Financial assistance for watershed management projects
Description: Grants to non-federal water project sponsors for ground or surface water storage of 2,000-30,000-acre feet
Estimate: $100M
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply through Bureau of Reclamation.
Special Requirements: Project must store between 2,000-30,000-acre feet.
Restoring Fish and Wildlife Passage
Description: Provides grants for dam removal, public safety barrier removal and river ecosystem restoration to improve fish passage.
Estimate: $200M
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Contact local Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office
Special Requirements: N/A
Surface Transportation Block Grant Program
Description: Apportions to state DOTs annually; 55% of STBG is sub-allocated to metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) and regional transportation planning organizations (RTPOs) based on population, which requires surface transportation projects to be carried out within certain areas of the state.
Estimate: $64.8 billion
Competitive: no
How to access: County officials make up MPOs and RTPOs that consult with state DOTs on project selection, with the exception of areas of 200,000 and above, where MPOs have project selection authority.
Special Requirements: Project selection is made in consultation with the state through MPOs and RTPOs.
Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grants
Description: Provides funding for capital projects to repair, replace or rehabilitate qualified railroad assets to reduce the state of good repair backlog and improve intercity passenger rail performance.
Estimate: $36 billion
Competitive: yes
How to access: Apply directly to DOT.
Special Requirements: N/A
State of Good Repair Grants
Description: Provides federal funding to urbanized areas and states for transit capital and operating assistance in urbanized areas (50K and above) and for transportation-related planning.
Estimate: $33.5 billion
Competitive: no
How to access: For urbanized areas over 200,000, local officials designate a recipient; for areas under 200,000, states designate.
Special Requirements: Must be located in an incorporated area with population of 50,000 or more (state will be apportioned funds for areas under 200,000); only designated recipients are eligible.
Urbanized Area Formula Grants
Description: Provides financial assistance to transit agencies that operate fixed-guideway and high-intensity motorbus systems for the maintenance, replacement, and rehabilitation of capital assets, including competitive grants for rail rolling stock and the development and implementation of transit asset management plans.
Estimate: $23.1 billion
Competitive: no
How to access: Designated recipient for the urbanized area where the transit system operates is eligible for formula funds.
Special Requirements: Must be a local governmental authority located in an urbanized area with fixed guideway and high intensity motorbus systems that have been in operation for at least seven years.
Local and Regional Project Assistance (RAISE) Grants
Description: Provides flexible, direct funding for a variety of surface transportation infrastructure projects.
Estimate: $7.5 billion
Competitive: yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT
Special Requirements: N/A
Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects (INFRA Grants)
Description: Provides funding for a variety of eligible highway, freight and intermodal projects.
Estimate: $7.3 billion
Competitive: yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: Project costs must reasonably be expected to equal or exceed $100 OR, for a project located in one state, costs must equal or exceed 30% of the state’s highway apportionment in the most recently completed FY; for a project located in multiple states, costs equal or exceed 50% of the state with the largest highway apportionment in the most recently completed FY.
Transportation Alternatives (set-aside) (non-add)
Description: Funds projects encourage non-motorized users of the road, including planning, design and construction of trails, environmental mitigation and activities to address stormwater management, and the construction of overlooks.
Estimate: $ 7.2 billion
Competitive: no
How to access: Apply to state department of transportation or MPO, who are responsible for establishing and carrying out competitive process.
Special Requirements: N/A
Carbon Reduction Program
Description: Sub-allocates 65% of the program total based on population generally to MPOs and RTPOs for activities that reduce transportation emissions or the development of carbon reduction strategies.
Estimate: $6.4 billion
Competitive: No
How to access: Funding flows through MPOs and RTPOs.
Special Requirements: N/A
Low or No Emission Grants
Description: Provides funding to replace, rehabilitate, and purchase buses and related equipment and to construct bus-related facilities including technological changes or innovations to modify low- or no- emission vehicles or facilities; includes both formula and competitive funding components.
Estimate: $5.6 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: County must operate fixed route bus service and be eligible for funding under 49 U.S.C. 5307 (Urbanized Area grants) or 49 U.S.C. 5311 (Rural Area grants).
Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements Grants
Description: Provides funding for projects that improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of intercity passenger and freight rail.
Estimate: $5 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: N/A
Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant Program
Description: Supports the implementation of local safety initiatives to prevent death and serious injury on roads and streets.
Estimate: $5 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: N/A
Rural Formula Grants
Description: Provides capital, planning and operating assistance to states and federally recognized Indian tribes to support public transportation in rural areas with populations less than 50,000.
Estimate: $4.6
Competitive: No.
How to access: Local government authorities that already receive funds through a designated recipient are eligible as sub-recipients.
Special Requirements: N/A
Bus Formula Grants
Description: Provides funding to replace, rehabilitate, and purchase buses and related equipment and to construct bus-related facilities including technological changes or innovations to modify low- or no- emission vehicles or facilities; includes both formula and competitive funding components.
Estimate: $3.2 billion
Competitive: No
How to access: Funding flows to designated recipient.
Special Requirements: County must operate fixed route bus service and be eligible for funding under 49 U.S.C. 5307 (Urbanized Area grants) and 49 U.S.C. 5311 (Rural Area grants).
Railroad Crossing Elimination Program
Description: Provides funding for projects that improve, relocate and/or close at-grade rail highway crossings.
Estimate: $3 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: N/A
Maritime Administration Port Infrastructure Development Program
Description: Provides funding for capital improvements to ports and port facilities.
Estimate: $2.3 billion
Competitive: No
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: N/A
Bus Competitive Grants
Description: Provides funding to replace, rehabilitate, and purchase buses and related equipment and to construct bus-related facilities including technological changes or innovations to modify low- or no- emission vehicles or facilities; includes both formula and competitive funding components.
Estimate: $2 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: County must operate fixed route bus service and be eligible for funding under 49 U.S.C. 5307 (Urbanized Area grants) and 49 U.S.C. 5311 (Rural Area grants).
All Stations Accessibility Program
Description: Provides federal financing for capital projects to upgrade access for legacy rail fixed guideway public transit systems for people with disabilities.
Estimate: $1.8 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: Only inaccessible legacy stations are eligible for funding.
Core Capacity
Description: Provides funding for fixed-guideway investments, including new and expanded rapid rail, commuter rail, light rail, streetcars, bus rapid transit and ferries.
Estimate: $1.6 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: Projects must meet unique set of requirements and undergo multi-year, multi-step development process.
Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grants
Description: Provides funding for projects to improve public accessibility to electrical vehicle charging and hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling stations, along designated alternative fuel corridors or other community locations accessible to drivers.
Estimate: $1.3 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: 50% of total program funds will be awarded through Community Grants in each FY to carry out projects, including the installation of EV and alternative fueling infrastructure on public roads, schools, and in other publicly accessible locations.
Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program
Description: Provides funding for a wide variety of highway and bridge projects that increase connectivity, improve safety, and facilitate the movement of goods.
Estimate: $1 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: Counties must be outside of an urbanized area with populations over 200,000.
Resilience Improvement Grants (Set-aside)
Description: Provides funding for projects to protect surface transportation assets by enhancing resiliency.
Estimate: $980 million
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: N/A
Construction of Ferry Boats and Ferry Terminal Facilities
Description: Provides funding for the construction of ferry boats and terminal facilities.
Estimate: $912 million
Competitive: No
How to access: Funding is allocated to states based on statutory formula and then suballocated to ferry systems.
Special Requirements: County must own/operate ferry system.
Reconnecting Communities Construction
Description: Provides funding for eligible projects that will restore community connectivity.
Estimate: $750 million
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: Must be the owner of an eligible facility (defined as one that creates barriers to mobility and accessibility or one that is no longer justified by travel demand).
Healthy Streets Program*
Description: Provides funding for projects to install cool and/or porous pavements or to expand tree cover with the goal of reducing urban heat centers and improving air quality with a focus on underserved communities.
Estimate: $500 million
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: N/A
Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation Grant Program
Description: Provides funding for demonstration projects focused on smart community technologies and systems.
Estimate: $500 million
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: N/A
Reduction of Truck Emissions at Port
Description: Supports projects that reduce port emissions, including the advancement of port electrification.
Estimate: $400 million
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: N/A
Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program
Description: Provides grants for projects that seek to achieve a reduction in the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions while also seeking improved habitat connectivity for terrestrial and aquatic species.
Estimate: $350 million
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: At least 60% of program funds are reserved for projects in rural areas.
Congestion Relief Program
Description: Provides funding for projects to advance innovative, integrated and multimodal solutions to congestion relief in the nation’s most congested metropolitan areas.
Estimate: $250 million
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: Project must be located in an urbanized area with a population of >1 million.
Reconnecting Communities Planning Grants
Description: Supports planning activities for projects to restore community connectivity.
Estimate: $250 million
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: N/A
Restoration and Enhancement Grants*
Description: Provides funding for operating assistance grants for initiating, restoring, or enhancing intercity passenger rail transportation.
Estimate: $250 million
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: N/A
Community Resilience and Evacuation Route Grants (Set-aside)
Description: Provides funding for projects to strengthen and protect critical evacuation routes.
Estimate: $140 million
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: N/A
PROTECT Planning Grants (Set-aside)
Description: Supports projects that strengthen, stabilize, hardening, elevating, relocating and enhancing the resilience of highway infrastructure that is subject to disaster.
Estimate: $140 million
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: Counties must be located in a state that borders the ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Long Island Sound or one or more of the Great Lakes.
Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development Planning
Description: Provides funding for efforts associated with eligible transit projects, including site-specific planning, for which a sponsor is seeking funding through the Capital Investment Program.
Estimate: $69 million
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: Certain eligibility requirements must be met.
Technical Assistance and Workforce Development
Description: Supports technical assistance activities that enable more effective and efficient delivery of transportation services; improve public transportation service; develop standards transit and best practices; and address public transportation workforce needs.
Estimate: $62 million
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: N/A
Stopping Threats on Pedestrians*
Description: Provides funds for bollard installation, defined as a “project” to install raised concrete or other metal posts on a sidewalk adjacent to a roadway that are designed to slow or stop a vehicle.
Estimate: $25 million
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: N/A
Coordinated Access and Mobility Pilot
Description: Provides funding for projects that use innovative methods to improve access to public transportation by building partnerships among health, transportation and other related service providers.
Estimate: $24 million
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: Must be designated or direct recipients of FTA Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disability Formula Program funding.
Airport Infrastructure Grants (including transfers of funds)
Description: Provides funding for airport infrastructure, including runways, taxiways, safety and sustainability projects, as well as terminal, airport-transit connections and roadway projects.
Estimate: $15 billion
Competitive: No
How to access: Airports that receive an allocation from USDOT must additionally submit a project proposal.
Special Requirements: Airports eligible under the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) are eligible to receive an allocation under the program.
Airport Infrastructure Grants (including transfer of funds)
Description: Provides funding for projects to replace aging terminals and airport-owned towers, increase terminal energy efficiency and accessibility, and more.
Estimate: $5 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to USDOT as a local public agency / airport sponsor.
Special Requirements: Local public agencies can apply directly to the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) as airport sponsors.
Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization Grant Program
Description: Provides funding to repair, rehabilitate or replace natural gas distribution pipeline systems, or portions thereof, or to acquire equipment to reduce safety incidents and fatalities and to avoid economic losses.
Estimate: $1 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to the DOT.
Special Requirements: County must own public utility (excludes for-profit entities).
National Culvert Removal, Replacement, and Restoration Grant Program
Description: Provides funding for projects that replace, remove or repair culverts that would improve or restore fish passage for certain fish, with a priority given those species who are endangered or at risk of becoming endangered, or projects that address fresh-water runoff that impact certain marine life.
Estimate: $1 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to DOT.
Special Requirements: The project must meaningfully improve or restore fish passage for certain fish species.
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program: Lead Service Line Replacement
Description: Provides capitalization grants and 100% forgiveness loans to address lead service line replacement needs.
Estimate: $15 billion
Competitive: No
How to access: Apply to the state drinking water state revolving fund office.
Special Requirements: N/A
Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program: Capitalization
Description: Provides grants and loans for water infrastructure projects.
Estimate: $11.7 billion
Competitive: No
How to access: Apply to state clean water state revolving loan fund office.
Special Requirements: N/A
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program: Capitalization
Description: Provides capitalization grants and 100% forgiveness loans for states to address lead service line replacement, emerging contaminants with a focus on PFAS chemicals.
Estimate: $11.7
Competitive: No
How to access: Apply to the state drinking water state revolving fund office.
Special Requirements: N/A
Clean School Bus Program
Description: Provides grants to state and local governments to purchase and/or replace school buses that are clean, zero-emission, alternative fuel vehicles, charging or fueling infrastructure for these buses or fueling and maintenance costs.
Estimate: $5 billion
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to EPA
Special Requirements: 50% of grants must be used for zero-emission buses; 50% must be used for clean school buses and zero-emission buses.
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program: Emerging contaminants (PFAS)
Description: Provides capitalization grants and 100% forgiveness loans to address emerging contaminants with a focus on PFAS chemicals.
Estimate: $4 billion
Competitive: No
How to access:
Special Requirements: Apply to the state drinking water state revolving fund office.
CERCLA Section 104(k) Grants
Description: Provides grants for Brownfields projects and cleanups through the comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).
Estimate: $1.2 billion
Competitive: No
How to access: Apply through EPA or regional EPA office.
Special Requirements: N/A
Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program: Emerging contaminants (PFAS)
Description: Provides grants and loans to address emerging contaminants.
Estimate: $1 billion
Competitive: No
How to access:
Special Requirements: N/A
Connection to Publicly Owned Treatment Works*
Description: Provides grants to local governments that own or operate Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) to connect low to moderate income households to POTW.
Estimate: $200 million
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Owner/operator of a POTW that assists low-income or moderate-income individuals can apply directly to EPA.
Special Requirements: County must own or operate a POTW and assist disadvantaged households; 15% of grants must go to owners or operators of POTW that serve fewer than 3,300 people.
Clean Water Infrastructure Resiliency and Sustainability Program*
Description: Provides grants for planning, design and construction projects that increase the resilience of a POTW to a natural hazard or cybersecurity threat.
Estimate: $125 million
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Eligible counties can apply to EPA.
Special Requirements: County must be part of an intermunicipal agency.
Description: Provides grants for education on residential or community recycling programs or to increase collection rates and decrease contamination in community recycling programs.
Estimate: $75 million
Competitive: Yes
How to access: Apply directly to EPA.
Special Requirements: 20% of grants must go to low-income, rural and Native American communities.
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